Live and Online Awareness Through Movement.
Evening Class
The Feldenkrais Method: Improving your ability.
“Without the ability to differentiate there can be no learning, and certainly no increase in the ability to learn” Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.
About this event
Live & Online: A series of lessons, which will mostly follow a developmental progression.
In this lessons you will learn the essential thing: How to listen to your entire self.
You will be able to utilise movements with awareness of self to refine and grow your kinaesthetic sense, which means the ability of feeling what’s happening in us, so to become aware!
When you do the movement you will be give the time to attend or pay attention to it, so that you can feel what it does, because if you don’t know what is that you are doing, you can’t change it or as Moshe Feldenkrais put it blandly “ If you don’t know what you are doing, you can’t do what you want!“. Doing what you want, in more simple terms means having choices.
We want to be able to move without the parasitic “rubbish”. Compulsive habits that don’t serve us anymore. In-fact they cripple us, making us feel old and senile. Doing just the movement, it means elegance, no effort, eliminating all the movements which are unnecessary for that action, where just the thought realises it self.
What is important is to learn the process (HOW) to mobilise your entire self, while leaving nothing behind! Moving at once! Then whatever act you do will be better, easier more comfortable.
Every Thursday 6:15 -7:15 PM
Where: Cornerstone Community Centre, Church Road, Hove BN3 2FL
What to wear: Comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movement or breathing.
What to bring: Bring a matt or a comfortable blanket (the lessons can be done on the floor or seated)
” Thank you so much Donata for the Feldenkrais lessons! Im starting to feel some big improvements in my general mobility. I am aware of flexing my hips when I walk downstairs. I have more confidence in descending the steps into the garden which I used to take one step at a time and now walk down in normal fashion. Another great improvement is my ability to get up from the floor. It used to be an effort involving the need to hold on to something firm but recently I have been able to rise to standing with no help! Thank you again!” Sheila March.
“Without the ability to differentiate there can be no learning, and certainly no increase in the ability to learn.” Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.
Exploring Moshe Feldenkrais’ Work by Doing.
Weekly classes live and online!
Awareness Through Movement Classes
It always a good time to start an ATM class!
You just need:
Comfortable clothes
Floor mat
Enough space to lay on the floor!