Donata D’Addetta

Hi, my name is Donata D’Addetta, I’m a Feldenkrais Method Practitioner “Hands on the Brain”. I started my study in 2008 at the Feldenkrais Center, Strigara 2, with Tina, Simone Broccoli and with Eilat Almagor, a formal student of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. I been teaching Feldenkrais Method Lessons (ATM) in weekly classes as well as privately( FI or one to one) both live and online.

My background is in Biology where I graduated at the Queen Mary University of London in 2002, and have been working has an health practitioner since 1997. Since 2017, Im also practicing with a Shaolin Master, Shifu Yan Xiu, the art of Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Meditation. Another big contributor to my general health and vitality!